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Avocat Carlo

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Assistance et conseil aux entreprises et aux particuliers dans le cadre de procès pénaux pour des délits liés aux activités économiques ou professionnelles.

Assistance judiciaire aux entreprises pour les délits prévus par le décret législatif 231/01 et conseil dans la préparation et l’adoption de modèles organisationnels.

Curriculum Vitae

Après avoir obtenu son diplôme d’études secondaires classiques au lycée G. Carducci de Milan, il est diplômé de l’Université d’État de Milan avec une note de 110/110 cum laude auprès des professeurs Alberto Crespi et Alberto Alessandri.
Sa carrière professionnelle commence après l’obtention de son diplôme, s’occupant immédiatement et exclusivement de tous les aspects du droit pénal liés à l’activité des entreprises. Après avoir réussi l’examen d’admission, il s’est inscrit au Registre en janvier 1991.

En 2001, il fonde le Studio Sassi, auquel se joignent en quelques années quelques collègues qui exercent encore aujourd’hui leur activité professionnelle.

Au cours de sa carrière de plus de trente ans, il a abordé tous les thèmes proposés par sa spécialisation, qui se sont élargis au fil des années en raison de l’introduction de nouvelles affaires pénales, de plus en plus nombreuses, pour sauvegarder les règles qui régulent les activités économiques.

Il a ainsi traité des fraudes financières, des délits sociaux et fiscaux, des dossiers relatifs à la violation des réglementations visant à protéger l’environnement et la sécurité des lieux de travail, des activités soumises au contrôle de l’Autorité de Surveillance (crédit, produits pharmaceutiques, etc…), de des délits contre l’Administration Publique, des délits d’urbanisme, des différentes formes de responsabilité par négligence.

Il a participé à de nombreux procès, notamment nationaux, en assistant de grands groupes industriels et financiers, ainsi que des particuliers.

Parallèlement à son activité judiciaire, il a toujours exercé une intense activité de conseil pour toutes les questions pénales pouvant affecter au quotidien la vie des entreprises, tant en référence aux entreprises d’importance nationale, y compris celles cotées, qu’en référence aux entreprises de taille moyenne.

En particulier, avec ses collègues du cabinet, il fournit des conseils à large spectre en relation avec la discipline mentionnée dans le décret législatif 231/01, tant à travers l’élaboration et la mise à jour de modèles organisationnels qu’en fournissant un soutien aux organes de contrôle interne et aux organes de surveillance.

Il occupe un poste d’enseignant en hygiène et sécurité au travail au Master de l’Université Catholique de Milan.
Il occupe un poste d’enseignant dans le domaine des crimes environnementaux et des crimes contre la sécurité publique au Master de l’Université de Pavie.
Il était professeur à l’École de Spécialisation de l’Université Catholique de Milan.
Il a été professeur à l’École de Spécialisation de l’Université L. Bocconi de Milan à l’Université de Pavie.
Il enseigne au cours de formation pour défenseurs publics, organisé par l’Ordre des Avocats de Milan.
Il est conférencier lors de conférences sur le droit pénal des sociétés.

Domaines d’activité

Assistance et conseil aux entreprises et aux particuliers dans le cadre de procès pénaux pour des délits liés aux activités économiques ou professionnelles et notamment :

Droit pénal des sociétés et de la faillite ;

Droit pénal de l’environnement ;

Droit pénal de la sécurité au travail ;

Droit fiscal pénal ;

Droit pénal en matière de construction-urbanisme ;

Jugements pénaux concernant la responsabilité pour négligence médicale ;

Responsabilité des entreprises pour les délits prévus par le décret législatif 231/01 ;



En plus…

Il est professeur au Master « Introduction aux professions juridiques » de l’Université de Pavie

Il est chargé de cours au Master 2ème niveau en « Droit Pénal des Entreprises » à l’Université Catholique de Milan.

Il a été professeur à l’École de Spécialisation pour les Professions Juridiques de l’Université de Pavie en union avec l’Université Bocconi de Milan et à l’Université Catholique de Milan.

Il donne un cours annuel à l’École de qualification des défenseurs publics organisée par l’Ordre des Avocats de Milan.

Assister à des séminaires et des conférences


se tourne vers les profondes transformations sociales et technologiques en cours pour proposer une interprétation des problèmes en adéquation avec les besoins d’une économie d’entreprise moderne

Salvatore Polizzi

Monza, 1971
Law Degree from the University of Parma, 1998
Milan Bar Association, since 2002

Born in Monza in 1971, after obtaining his Classical High School Diploma in 1990, he attended the Faculty of Law at the University of Parma where he graduated in 1998 with a thesis in Institutions of Criminal Law titled: « Criminal laws ‘in blank’ and acts having the force of law in criminal matters: doubts about their compatibility with the principle of legal reservation as provided for by Articles 1 of the Criminal Code and 25, second paragraph, of the Constitution« . Supervisor Professor Giuseppe Carboni.

After obtaining the qualification to practice law, in May 2002 he registered with the Milan Bar Association.

Work experiences:

From 1999 to 2004 he collaborated with the Law Firm of Lawyer Prof. Giuseppe Carboni: experience gained mainly in commercial and business criminal law. In particular, handling environmental crimes, workplace accidents, crimes against property and the Public Administration in general.

Since 2004 he has been collaborating with the Law Firm of Lawyer Carlo Sassi.


Main areas of activity:

Twenty years of experience gained, as a trusted lawyer for insurance companies, in the field of medical professional negligence, workplace accidents, and road accidents. The handling of cases has included assisting the principal company and the insured both in the out-of-court phase of compensation negotiations and in the judicial phase within the criminal proceedings and/or civil lawsuit arising from the accident/injury.

Other areas of expertise: business criminal law, with particular reference to corporate and bankruptcy criminal law, tax criminal law, safety at work criminal law, administrative liability ex Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 for companies, and environmental criminal law (particularly asbestos crimes). In this latter area, notably, he has participated in numerous criminal trials involving industrial sites of national importance.

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Biancamaria Di Lella

Biancamaria Di Lella was born on February 23, 1980 in Benevento.

She obtained her classical baccalaureate in 1998 (with a score of 60/60) at the Luigi Sodo classical high school in Cerreto Sannita (BN); in the same year she won the national competition, based on qualifications and exams, for a student place at the University College of Merit Santa Caterina da Siena in Pavia, where she spent her university years.

She graduated with honors from the University of Pavia in 2003 with a thesis in criminal law entitled « The criminal liability of legal entities in Italy« , supervised by Prof. Cristina de Maglie.

Winner of the National Doctoral Competition at the University of Pavia in 2003, she obtained her doctorate in Italian and Comparative Criminal Law in 2007, with a thesis entitled « Assisted insemination between science and law« , supervised by Prof. Cristina de Maglie.

From 2003 to the present she has been a « subject expert » at the Chair of Criminal Law of the University of Pavia.

In 2006 she passed the bar exam at the Court of Appeal of Milan and since 2007 she is registered at the Pavia Bar Association.

Since 2008 she has been collaborating with the law firm of Carlo Sassi.

Within the firm, she has gained her professional experience in the field of economic criminal law, dealing mainly with labor criminal law and environmental criminal law. She has participated in criminal proceedings related to environmental issues involving industrial sites of national importance.

Within the firm, she also advises companies on compliance with sectoral regulations (health and safety, money laundering, health regulations, etc.), as well as on the liability of legal entities, drafting and updating business organizational models for companies operating in the industrial and banking sectors, and providing assistance and advice to supervisory bodies pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/01.

Since 2019, she has been a lecturer in criminal law at the University of Pavia for the 2nd level master’s degree for the practice of « Competent Physician« .

She is the author of several articles on environmental criminal law published in the Journal of Environmental Criminal Law.

She holds the role of Supervisory Body in private health care facilities accredited by the Lombardy Region.

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Fabio Fasani

Prof. Avv. Fabio Fasani, Ph.D.

During his undergraduate studies he was a student at the Ghislieri College and at the University Institute of Advanced Studies in Pavia.

He graduated in Law in 2005 with 110 points cum laude from the University of Pavia, where he obtained his Ph.D. in 2010 in Criminal Justice, International Justice and Fundamental Rights.

After working as a research fellow and temporary researcher, he is now Associate Professor of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavia, where he teaches Criminal Law and Criminal Law and Regulatory Compliance.

He is the author of three monographs and dozens of articles on criminal law published in leading national law journals.

He is a lecturer in post-graduate courses such as masters, graduate schools and doctoral programs.

He regularly participates as a speaker in conferences, seminars and professional training courses.

He has been a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2009 and is now qualified to practice before the Court of Cassation and other higher courts, as well as a specialist in criminal law ex l. n. 247/12.

He has always worked in the field of economic criminal law, advising individuals and companies and dealing mainly with corporate, bankruptcy and tax criminal law; crimes against property, against public order and public trust; crimes against associations; defamation by the press; negligent liability for accidents and medical activities; urban, environmental and landscape crimes. He has also acquired considerable expertise in the area of criminal liability of legal entities (Legislative Decree 231/01).


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Alessandro Annovazzi

Graduated with honors from the Liceo « G. Novello » in Codogno (LO) – classical section.

Graduated with honors in Law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, with a thesis in criminal law entitled « Consent and medical activity. Criminal profiles », supervisor Prof. Luciano Eusebi.

Trainee and later lawyer at the law firm of Carlo Sassi in Milan;

Admitted to the Milan Court of Appeal and enrolled in the Milan Bar Association.

He gained his professional experience mainly in the field of corporate criminal law (diseases and accidents at the workplace, railway safety, environmental crimes, public order crimes).

He advises on hygiene, health and safety at work, financial and operational leasing, rental and reputation protection.

He has handled cases related to preventive measures, building and urban planning crimes, and property crimes, both in and out of court.

He has assisted the firm’s team specialized in corporate liability under Legislative Decree No. 231 of 8.06.2001, contributing to the drafting of opinions and participating in risk assessment phases.

He has acquired expertise in the area of medical liability and crimes against the individual and the family, having followed a number of criminal proceedings related to allegations of malpractice, violation of family care obligations, stalking and mistreatment, both in a family and professional context.

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Vito Ippedico

Mr. Ippedico is a criminal lawyer specializing in corporate criminal law, with particular emphasis on the following areas

  • Corporate and fiscal criminal law;
  • Environmental criminal law;
  • Labor criminal law, in particular the profiles of safety in the workplace (accidents and diseases) and forms of negligent liability;
  • Criminal liability of legal entities (Legislative Decree no. 231/2001);
  • Business activities subject to the control of sectoral supervisory authorities;
  • Liability in the health and pharmaceutical sectors.

His practice includes the defense of executives and professionals in criminal proceedings and providing out-of-court advice to Italian and foreign executives and companies.

After obtaining his baccalaureate, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law at LUISS – Guido Carli University (Rome) with a thesis in criminal law under the supervision of Prof. Avv. Paola Severino.

He has been a member of the Italian Bar Association since 2007; since 2020 he is qualified to practice before the Court of Cassation and other higher courts.

Since 2016 he has been collaborating with the Sassi Law Firm. Within the firm, he has gained further significant experience by participating in several criminal proceedings related to environmental and safety at work issues at large industrial sites.

His educational background includes a period of study and research in international criminal law and environmental law at the School of Law, University of Essex (UK).

He also attended the « Advanced Training Course in Business Criminal Law » at the University of Bari, where he became an expert in business criminal law and labor criminal law.

As part of his professional career in corporate law, he gained significant experience in corporate and commercial law at the law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP between Milan and London (2006-2009), assisting Italian and foreign clients in domestic and cross-border transactions and disputes, and in compliance profiles, in particular in the area of liability of legal entities for crimes.

He worked with a leading Milan law firm specialized in corporate criminal law (2009-2015).

He is a member of the Criminal Chamber of Milan and of the Scientific and Organizational Committee of the « Biennial Course on Criminal Law Techniques and Deontology for the Qualification for Public Defense » organized by the Milan Bar Association and the Criminal Chamber of Milan, where he also gives lectures and tutorials. He participates as a speaker in seminars and conferences.

He speaks and works fluently in English.

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Davide Figoli

Graduated with honors in Law from the Universities of Modena and Reggio Emilia, with a thesis in Corporate Criminal Law entitled « Representation and Participation of the Company in Criminal Proceedings« , supervised by Prof. Giulio Garuti.

After graduating, he worked with leading law firms in the field of corporate criminal law, specializing in both trial defense and corporate risk management. At the same time, he attended an advanced course in anti-corruption and prevention of illegality in public administration and business at the University of Milan.

At the end of his legal practice, he joined the law firm of Carlo Sassi, where he worked in the area of economic criminal law, with a focus on advising on corporate criminal liability.

He has gained experience in the field of Legislative Decree 231/2001, both in the judicial sphere, following several criminal proceedings against companies, and in the extrajudicial sphere, assisting Italian and multinational companies in the implementation of organizational, management and control models, as well as in the permanent support of the activity of supervisory bodies.

He passed the bar exam at the Court of Appeal of Bologna in 2023 and has been a member of the Milan Bar Association since 2024.

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